
This blend is typically used at the end of a word or syllable and says: /mp/, /mp/, /mp/, stamp.
Ending blend MP has a plosive ending, which is a final sound created by blocking and then suddenly releasing the air. In speech, the air is not always released with the same force, leaving some to believe that the phoneme is muted at the end.
However, when the word is clearly and deliberately articulated, the air is released at the very end with a sharp and short /p/.
When this “plosive ending” is heard with the ending blend MP, encourage the Learner to use this sound to help with encoding and decoding. The Instructor can also repeat the word instead of using the audio and encourage the Learner to look at the spelling to reinforce the sound-symbol association.
When A is before blend MP, the AM forms the glued sound “am”. Mark and Say the glued sound “am” with a box, and then mark a line under the MP blend.
When you Blend and Say the “AMP” together, it will say “amp”.

